Serena Williams' ex-coach Rennae Stubbs & girlfriend Eden Bruce celebrate 5 years of relationship
Serena Williams’ former coach Rennae Stubbs recently wished her girlfriend Eden Bruce on the completion of five years of their relationship.
Stubbs is a former professional tennis player and also former coach to 23-time Grand Slam winner Serena Williams. She is not married but has been in a long-term relationship with Bruce.
Stubbs announced her sexual orientation in 2006, coming out as a lesbian at the age of 35.
She and Bruce have been dating each other since 2018. On October 27, Eden Bruce took to Instagram to wish girlfriend Rennae Stubbs on their fifth anniversary. She went on to talk about the kind of equation that they share, with a picture of them together.
Bruce called Stubbs her "best friend, life partner, and greatest love" in the caption. She also said it was impossible to put her feelings into words. Bruce added that five years had gone by quickly and that she was now looking forward to spending the next 100 years with Stubbs.
“5 years of us! My best friend, life partner, and greatest love all wrapped in one. I would try to put this feeling of sureness into words but I can’t. It’s a feeling, it’s a knowing. I can’t believe 5 years have come and gone in a blink. I can’t wait for the next 100 more 🤍,” Bruce wrote.Stubbs, a former doubles World No. 1, reshared the post on her Instagram stories with the caption:
“5 years🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍.”The 52-year-old is currently the host of The Power Hour on Amazon Prime and a commentator for ESPN Tennis. She even has her own podcast — The Rennae Stubbs Tennis Podcast.
Serena Williams's ex-coach Rennae Stubbs in dismay after learning of a man killing a nursing student amid abusive relationship
Rennae Stubbs was left appalled after learning that a man had murdered a nursing student before killing himself.
On October 13, Justin Wendling kidnapped Gina Bryant, a nursing student, and later shot her in the head. He then drove to Iowa and ended up killing himself as the police approached his car.
The nursing student’s family confirmed she and Wendling had an abusive relationship which Bryant ended only a few weeks before the horrific incident.
Stubbs, who has frequently voiced her opinion about women’s rights and other social issues, recently shared her opinion on the killing along with the news article.
"Just another dude being rejected, snapping and killing a woman, with a gun! 🤬," she wrote on X.Quick Links
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